Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF) recently sets up a working group on Internationalized Domain Name System ( IDN). 目前网际网路工程任务编组(IETF)已成立国际化网域名称系统(IDN)的工作小组。
They had no problem with the network's standards being set by such organisations as the Internet Engineering Task Force, which is open to everybody. 对于由互联网工程任务组这样的组织设立的网络标准,他们觉得没有问题,这些组织对每个人开放。
IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force 因特网工程作业推动
The Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF) proposed a series of drafts based on User Datagram Protocol ( UDP) encapsulation to solve this problem. 为解决两者之间的不兼容性,IETF提出了用户数据包协议(UDP)封装草案。
As Netscape lost market share, SSL's maintenance moved to the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF). 由于Netscape失去了市场份额,它将SSL的维护工作移交给因特网工程任务组(IETF)。
It was assembled primarily by the Host Requirements Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF). 这些被互联网工程工作小组的主机需求工作组首先组合在一起。
IP Security Protocol ( IPSec) is the standard security IP protocols defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF), and it provides cryptographically-based security at network layer. IP安全协议IPsec是IETF制定的安全IP协议建议标准,在网络层提供基于密码学的安全服务。
SIP ( Session Initiation Protocol) is one of application-layer control signaling protocols in VoIP technology proposed by IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force). SIP(sessioninitiationprotocol,会话初始化协议)是由IETF(Internet工程任务组)提出的VoIP电话应用层控制信令协议。
SIP is brought forward by IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force), it uses SDP ( Session Description Protocol) to describe session and media. The call control messages and media control messages are transmitted simultaneously. So, it takes short time to establish the session. SIP由IETF(Internet任务工作组)提出,采用SDP(会话描述协议)描述会话信息和媒体信息,呼叫控制消息和媒体控制消息同时传送,会话建立时间短。
IPSec ( IP Security) is a group of security protocols, presented by IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force). IPSec can provide strong encryption and authentication for VPN communication. IPSec(IPsecurity,即IP安全协议),是由IETF提出的一套IP安全标准,它在IP层对数据包进行高强度的加密和认证,从而可以保证VPN通信的完整性和保密性。
To run IP on the mobile communication networks, Mobile IP is defined by the Internet engineering task force ( IETF). 为了在移动通信网络中运用IP协议,因特网工程任务组(IETF)制定了MobileIP协议。
With the rapid development of Internet and the urgent requirement for network management, Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF) proposed the Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP). 简单网络管理协议(SNMP)是由Internet工程任务组织(InternetEngineeringTaskForce,IETF)为适应网络的快速发展和对网络管理日益迫切的需求而提出的网络管理方案。
To address this, the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF) is developed a set of protocols and standards for integrated services on the internet. 为了达到这一要求,Internet工程任务组(IETF)开发了一套用于因特网的综合服务的协议和标准。
Thus, the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF) established the Mobile IP for the mobile IP protocol. 为此,互联网工程工作小组制定了移动IP协议。
DHCP ( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a standard protocol issued by IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force). With operation on the basis of TCP/ IP protocol, it makes effective management for Internet address. DHCP(DgnarnicHostConfigurationProtocol)是由国际标准化组织颁布、在TCP/IP协议基础上运行、对Internet地址(网络地址)进行有效管理的协议。
IPSec is an open standard framework developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF). IPSec是由Internet工程技术任务组(IETF)开发的开放标准框架。
RTP/ RTCP is a standard that was set up by IETF's ( Internet Engineering Task Force) audio/ video work team in 1996. RTP/ RTCP is used to support the network real-time transmission service. RTP/RTCP是1996年IETF(InternetEngineeringTaskForce)的视频/音频工作组制订的专门用于支持网络实时传输服务、提供数据实时传输的标准。
OSPF is a dynamic routing protocol put forward by IETF ( internet engineering task force) in is based on the link status algorithm and used in AS. OSPF是IETF(InternetEngineeringTaskForce)于1988年提出的一种基于链路状态算法的动态路由协议,它是用于自治系统内部的内部网关路由协议。
Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP), which is proposed by Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF), is a network management protocol based on TCP/ IP protocol. Internet工程任务组(IETF)提出的简单网络管理协议(SNMP)是一种基于TCP/IP的网络管理技术。
SIP ( Session Initiation Protocol) is an IP telephony signaling protocol proposed by the IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force). 会话初始协议(SIP)是由互联网工程任务组(InternetEngineeringTaskForce-IETF)提出的IP电话信令协议。
Open Shortest Path First protocol, proposed by IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force), is link state routing protocol based on the shortest path first algorithm. 开放最短路径优先协议是IETF(InternetEngineeringTaskForce)提出的一种基于最短路径优先算法的链路状态路由协议,它是一种内部网关协议,在网络中被广泛应用。
Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF) proposed the multicast security architecture and multicast security ( MSEC) group key management architecture. But there is not a security multicast scheme, which is based the above architectures and the actual network deployment and key management algorithm. IETF提出了组播安全参考架构和组密钥管理架构,但在该架构下,尚无能够面向实际网络部署的安全组播方案及相应的密钥管理与协商算法。
Actually, we find that remote subscription, bi-directional tunneling, which were proposed by the IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force) Mobile IP, and unicast mechanism are the special cases of hierarchical mobile multicast. 事实上,IETF移动IP所提出的远程签署、双向隧道以及单播机制是层次型移动组播方法的三种特例。
So far, the MANET group under the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF) has been responsible for the standardization of the Ad Hoc network routing protocols. 迄今为止,因特网工程任务组(IETF)下的MANET小组一直负责adhoc网络的路由协议的标准化工作。
In order to achieve the mobile hosts to access the Internet anytime and anywhere, Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF) is proposed for the next generation mobile Internet Protocol& Mobile IPv6 protocol. 为了实现移动主机随时随地接入互联网,Internet工程任务组(IETF)提出了下一代移动互联网协议&移动IPv6协议。
AKA mechanism is defined by the Internet engineering task force ( IETF), and was adopted by the 3GPP, widely used in 3G wireless network. AKA机制是由因特网工程任务组(IETF)制定、并被3GPP应用于3G无线网络的鉴权机制。
SIP is an application-layer control protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force, which has a wide range of uses, such as Internet multimedia conferences, Internet telephony and multimedia distribution and so on. SIP是由互联网工程任务组开发的一种应用层的控制协议,其用途非常广泛,如互联网多媒体会议、网络电话以及多媒体分发等。
SIP is a signaling control protocol of the application layer proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF), used to control the signaling in IP network. SIP协议是由IETF提出的一个应用层的信令控制协议,用来解决IP网络中的信令控制。
IPSec ( Internet Protocol Security) is a set of developed standard based on the IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force), and a protocol format to achieve security communication through the public IP network. IPSec(InternetProtocolSecurity)协议是一套基于IETF(InternetEngineeringTaskForce)开发的标准,是通过公共IP网络实现安全通讯的协议格式。